Saturday, June 18, 2011

Playing Church

My oldest children frequently "play church." It doesn't bother me when they play church because, first of all, I did the same thing when I was a little girl and secondly, it shows that they view church and going to church as an enjoyable event that's part of their regular life. They play church in a respectful manner so it's really okay in my opinion. Playing church consists of them dressing up in an odd assortment of dress up dresses and skirts, usually with a crown, and of course, a purse. Then, they sit on the steps and they sing. They take turns choosing the song which cracks me up, especially when it's L's turn because while she knows what numbers are, she doesn't really understand how numbers work. Therefore, you'll frequently hear her tell A to turn to page eighty-nine twenty eleven or something similar. After a song is chosen, they diligently turn to the "correct" page in their "songbook" and begin to sing. Of course, the songbooks aren't really songbooks. Today's choices were Angelina Ballerina and If You Give a Moose a Muffin. A has a really good ear for melodies but not the words so much. The songs are mostly made up with a smattering of phrases and words they've heard frequently in songs at church to the tune of an actual hymn. They attempt to sing together which is very interesting to hear since whoever is "leading" the song is making it up as she goes along. Here's an excerpt from a recent "service."

A to L: Page 29. (Singing) Oh, I have found the land with the glory sand...

L: (loudly, with feeling) THE GLORY SAND!

I love my children. I'm sorry there's no picture. I was too busy laughing behind a laundry basket.

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