Saturday, August 27, 2011


I've been busy. I also think I might be crazy. Two mortgages? What are we thinking? I guess we're thinking that it will be nice to not be commuters anymore. I guess that we're thinking our children will enjoy a fifteen minute drive home instead of fifty. I guess we're thinking that some sacrifice is worth it to get rid of a few burdens. I guess we're just flowing with it knowing that it feels like the right thing to do. It's hard though.

The thought of packing is starting the give me bad dreams at night. The worst part is the reality of it. During the summer, packing was completely hypothetical. If I didn't do it (and I didn't by the way), it didn't matter. Now, there's a date and that means I'm in trouble. Our loan officer is aiming for September 30. What!!!! I'm a fierce pack rat with an emotional bond to my stuff. I have a lot of it. What am I going to do? I'm in so much trouble! I can't even begin to adequately describe the daunting nature of the task that lies before me. As always, when confronted by a task such as this, I freeze. I don't even know how to get started. If I had the entire month of September, I might be able to pull it off without stress, but I don't have to whole month because I have a life that includes a 90 mile commute, three children with activities, a husband, and no food from restaurants because we're trying to save money. What am I going to do? HHHHEEEEELLLLPPPPPPPP!

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