Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Dinner

I'm a person who values traditions and I often find myself attempting to force more traditions on my family. That being said, I've decided that the way to avoid restaurant disappointment on Sundays is to create an elaborate family dinner every Sunday complete with bread and dessert. I marvel at the fact that some people in the world don't know how to cook. There is such joy in it (for me).

Today's menu:
- herb crusted sirloin roast
- roasted potatoes and carrots
- Jello salad ('cause we're just weird like that)
- French bread (warm from the oven and slathered liberally with butter-- not homemade... yet)
- chocolate silk pie with one of the most beautiful meringues I've ever made

Memories are born of joy and peace, love and laughter. That's what "Sunday dinner" conjures in my mind. It's family time. It's a crazy, loud time. It's important time. Make that time in your own life. You won't regret it. Remember, it's the time we spend on things that makes them important to us.

With every meal my family eats together, we become a better family. The planning and care that go into it help my children to understand that this is something important, special. They help to set the table. We light a candle. We say a blessing. We're a family.

(The pie was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G by the way. Did you doubt it?)

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