Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lessons I'm learning...

I've often said that a day you learn something is a day not wasted. If that's the case, I'm not wasting my life lately. Here's a summary of what I'm "learning":

1. If patience is a virtue, my children are helping me to be the most virtuous woman on the planet this summer. Lunch time is especially educational for me.

2. Just because someone says you can buy their house doesn't mean the actually get to buy their house even though everybody signed the contract. There are forces at work in the real estate market that are beyond my comprehension. That's okay though. We decided we don't want to buy their house anyway (signed the notice of termination an hour ago-- just waiting on them to sign it) and we really don't like their real estate agent (we figure he'll make the termination difficult and pitch a fit like the arrogant, self-absorbed person he is). He's been extremely rude and condescending to our real estate agent. I like pretty much everybody, but I don't like him. That says something very bad about him. I almost relish the thought of him trying something to cause problems with the termination. If I can handle 35 freshmen in a room or an overbearing coach, I can most certainly handle him with no problem. Bring it on. He has no idea who he's dealing with if he decides to mess with me.

3. Renaissance women are cooler than renaissance men. Here's an example: My real estate agent is a woman of many talents. Her coolest is not that she's working so hard to find us a new home. It's that she makes soap and it's the most amazing soap ever. She has many other talents as well. I'm totally addicted to the soap she calls "Beach Baby." Who would have thought I'd like a soap called "Beach Baby"?

4. When we open our eyes to possibilities and stop getting hung up on what we think in our heads, life goes much smoother.

5. This flow chart sums up so much. I'm going to print it out and put copies in places where I'll see them frequently.

(found by me on but originally from  Mark Frauenfelder of BoingBoing)

Now, I'm off for a not so relaxing little vacation. Taking three small children somewhere is never really relaxing. It's easier to stay at home. I'm sending them to Mim's house tomorrow just so I can pack. It's all good though because I'm not going to worry :)

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