Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Wisdom of Chocolate

I believe in fate. I believe that there is a higher power in control of my life. That doesn't mean that I blame God for everything that happens, but rather, I believe that the grand plan of my life is far too complex for me to comprehend. As such, I often see the little things that happen to me as sign posts, little road signs that let me know that it's going to be okay.

My day started out badly today. I didn't let it get me down, but I kept waiting for it to turn around and seem better. Some days I go to bed still waiting for the turn around. Sometimes, I wait for days. Today, I waited until second period. Maritza gave me chocolate. That made me feel better even though I didn't eat any of it right then. (I know! What will power I have.) After lunch, I started on the Dove. This is what I learned.

1. Think of something that makes you smile.
2. Have no limits today.
3. Enjoy the small things in life.
4. Escape for a moment.
5. Make a date with your favorite book tonight.
6. Too much of a good thing is wonderful.
7. Get out there and make your dreams happen.

(Yes, I ate seven pieces of chocolate in the space of a few minutes. Sue me. It was a bad day.)

(But not anymore. Merci, Maritza.)

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